
What Do These Red Dots on Your Skin Mean?

 If you suddenly found a confusing red dot on your skin, put your mind at ease. An angioma is a small benign tumor that consists of blood vessels. The most common kind of angioma is the cherry angioma, also known as Campbell De Morgan spots or senile angioma. They are cherry red papules on the skin containing an abnormal proliferation of blood vessels. Angioma Causes The two major reasons for developing angioma are: 1. Age –  Many people get angiomas at the age of 30 or more. As a rule, in this case it looks like a small convex cherry mole and is mainly situated on the arms, legs or chest and shoulders. Such angiomas are caused by simple age changes of skin and blood vessels; 2. Health problems or the wrong lifestyle –  If the angioma looks like a spot and begins vascular branching, it may indicate problems with the liver, vascular diseases, or a hormonal failure. What to do about it? While angiomas are not a cause for concern, you should watch them regularly to see if there is a chan

5 Reasons Behind Breast Pain

 Breast pain, aka ‘mastalgia’, accounts for nearly half of all breast-related complaints. However, before you start jumping to dire conclusions (breast cancer!), please read this. If you’re suffering from pain, tenderness or increased sensitivity to touch or pressure in one or both of your breasts, we can understand that you’re probably terrified and imagining the worst. Ergo, let’s get a few facts straight first. Breast pain alone isn’t usually an indicator of breast cancer; and, according to experts, it is much more likely that tender, aching breasts could be caused by something else. The following are 5 very likely reasons why you’re experiencing pain, or even increased sensitivity, in your breasts: 1. Mastitis Mastitis is an infection of breast tissue that leads to the inflammation, i.e., abnormal swelling and redness of breasts. In most cases, it is as a result of an infection of a woman’s breast ducts and occurs in mother’s who are nursing. While breastfeeding, bacteria residing

Remove Under The Skin Pimples Without Damaging Your Skin

 Pimples under the skin are a nuisance. Learn how to bring them to the skin surface and how to efficiently get rid of them. HERBAL ACNE CREAM Although most of them smell pretty bad, many face creams from natural extracts have great results on pimples under the skin. Look for bruising blends with arnica, with calendula for faster healing and with echinacea for its antiseptic qualities. HOT COMPRESSES Apply hot compresses on the swollen area, so infection to progress to the skin surface. The heat from the hot water attracts bacteria to the surface and open pores. HOT AND COLD COMPRESSES On the same principle, alternative hot and cold compresses will help your skin to “throw” infection to the outside so you could squeeze a troublesome pimple. OLD MEDICINES Crush a tablespoon of chopped onion, a tablespoon of garlic and a tablespoon of freshly grated ginger, mix the ingredients well and apply on the inflamed area for two to three hours. Pimple will have a white tip and can be safely drain


 A FEW SOCIOLOGICAL THEORIES HAVE SUGGESTED THAT SHAVING OF THE PUBIC HAIR HAS TO DO WITH CULTURAL TRENDS SPAWNED BY CERTAIN HAIRLESS ACTORS AND ACTRESSES OR EVEN A MISGUIDED ATTEMPT AT HYGIENE. Pubic shaving actually originated in ancient Egypt and Greece, when prostitutes had to shave for both hygienic reasons and as a clear sign of their profession. Although female body shaving was established as the norm between 1915 and 1945, pubic hair removal did not actually gain a strong foothold until the 1980’s. However, a new study shows that 60 % of women had, at least, one health complication incurred from pubic hair removal, typically epidermal abrasion (invisible cuts to the skin) and ingrown hairs. It was also shown to cause severe skin irritation, infections and – according to an older study – increase the spread and transmission of STIs. These are the real reasons why you should not remove your pubic hair: Pubic hair helps control your body temperature. We all know that hair helps r